The constant attention to water treatment technologies and the passion for what we do allow us to take care of the water in order to satisfy the needs of the most sensitive customers.
We continually try to better understand their needs, improve existing services and always offer innovative solutions.
Accuracy, methodological reliability, flexibility and high professionalism are essential factors for us.
Compliance with contractual terms and optimization of the cost / benefit ratio guarantee the full satisfaction of those who rely on us.
We are always looking forward to building long-term partnerships with our clients for highly satisfactory service.
To date, our expansion program identifies our natural market outlet in Europe and the Mediterranean basin and places us as a reference for the activities of our competence, a goal to be pursued through experience and professionalism, increasingly enhancing the first and increasing the second, two purposes, both priorities, which require commitment and will at all levels.
Company policy
The company ECOSISTEMI S.R.L., confirming its commitment to the continuous improvement of its business processes and considering innovation in every sector as a strategic success factor, has implemented and is committed to applying and continuously improving an Integrated Quality Management System and Environment whose purpose is: design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of water treatment plants, in compliance with the international standards UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 and UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015, which favors the pursuit of objectives and strategic directions and the commitments set out below:
- meet the expectations of clients, employees and the local area through a continuous improvement process in which every person who works for the company participates, pursuing a proactive approach in order to avoid errors in the provision of services;
- comply with the relevant laws and regulations and current legislation and operate in full compliance with the jurisprudence, regulations and directives both of a national and community nature, both in relation to the quality of products and services, and in order to put in place act on methodologies, interventions and adjustments with the aim of reducing accidents, occupational pathologies and related indices and environmental protection;
prevent pollution, reduce waste and the consumption of resources; - formulate objectives for continuous improvement of qualitative performance and in relation to environmental aspects and those relating to health and safety in the workplace;
- assess the environmental aspects of products and production activities and adopt management procedures that minimize any significant negative environmental impact;
- sensitize company human resources to the correct storage, use and correct identification of the chemical products of the water treatment activity;
- identify the dangers deriving from the different processes involving their own workings
- respect the Highway Code;
- assess in advance the risks to which personnel are exposed for what is in place and for each new activity and / or process, in order to adopt solutions capable of preventing environmental impacts, injuries, accidents and occupational diseases;
- promote training, information and awareness activities, involving all company personnel, making them aware of their individual obligations and the importance of each individual action to achieve the expected results and their responsibility for quality, protection of the environment and health and safety in the workplace;
- communicate with interested parties and involve them, activating appropriate internal communication channels, aimed at ensuring a continuous and fruitful exchange with all staff and with the outside world;
- encourage suppliers to adopt an adequate quality, environment and safety management system;
- perform management review activities with a defined frequency, aimed at verifying this policy, the objectives, the integrated system in general, the DVR and its attachments, verifying their consistency, adequacy and appropriateness.
All professional figures belonging to the structure, regardless of the specific responsibilities assigned, are crucial for achieving the objectives of quality and environmental protection.
The application of the respective Management Systems therefore involves all functions and requires the participation, commitment and effective interaction of all the staff of the organization.
The Management undertakes to implement, support and periodically verify the Policy set out above, to disclose it to all people who work for the company or on its behalf and to interested parties, to make it available to the public, to verify its degree of understanding and implementation and adequacy through the tools defined in the System Manual.