Pyrolusite Filter - Automatic

Automatic filters with pyrolusite (manganese dioxide) and quartz sand to be used in the removal of iron and manganese. They find specific use in various primary or technological water treatment processes for different uses.

Through the oxidation of the ferrous ion Fe2+ into ferric hydroxide Fe(OH)3 allows its mechanical elimination in the filter bed. The optimal rates for iron removal are 15 to 10 meters / hour at neutral pH. As regards the removal of manganese, a contact time between 6 and 10 minutes is recommended and you can intervene through two types of processes:

  1. The oxidative process takes place in the absence of pre-chlorination but it is necessary to regenerate the pyrolusite using chlorinated water during the counter-current washing in a 2: 1 ratio (ppm chlorine: ppm manganese);
  2. The catalytic process takes place with a pre-chlorination of the water to be treated always in the ratio 2: 1 (ppm chlorine: ppm manganese).

They consist of a reinforced fiberglass cylinder with an internal PET shell in a single piece without joints in compliance with the D.M. 174/2004 (up to FP700); filter material compliant with UNI EN ISO 13752; valve for automatic control of the filtration and washing phases.

Product types