Message from the founder to the collaborators
On the anniversary of the 25th year of the foundation of Ecosistemi I would like to thank all of you for the commitment and dedication they have allowed the achievement of this important milestone.
Looking at the past, the memories and the images flow, I remember the enthusiasm with which I mulled over the name to give to the company, I see myself again with an ad elaborating the first logo, with tenderness I think of that gaunt office with my first employee, sitting at the desk that belonged to my father, with the gas stove to heat the cold environment.
Closing my eyes I see the many faces of the collaborators who have alternated over the years and who have given their small or large contribution.
We joyfully celebrated together this & nbsp; important event with the same sobriety as always, without frills and without illustrious guests. Only with your human warmth.
Other important goals await us as we face new stimulating challenges .
Always remember that an extraordinary result is always the fruit of many ordinary actions.
With love
Vittorio Visconti